Image of Omar

Hi there! My name is Omar and welcome to my learning journal.

After several months of learnig the frontend developer path, I'he made some incredible projects that in the beggining I though it was imposiblefor me to make it.

How I stay commited to learning

I graduated from UTEP as a Electrical & computer engineer, but since I had a hard time trying to find job related to what I have studied I decided to try another option.

Since the part of programing in my carrer was interesting I though of some coding related option

How I got started

I started in this year (2023), no later than february whatching the basics of html and CSS and then I got introduced to JavaScript. I didn't have a path to follow until I found Scrimba.

Srimba is a platform that offers different courses, there was the full Frontend Developer path course that helped me a lot in my journey.

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